Abundant Living Media

Aug 5, 20194 min

What is the role of Faith in living abundantly?

Defining the word faith is not a hard thing to do. We use it everyday...faith in our favorite sports team, faith in our bosses, faithfulness in our relationships. But defining one’s Faith is intensely personal, even as a shared experience. It’s the ever-evolving cornerstone of Abundant Living, and of living abundantly. Without faith financial success can be difficult to achieve. However with faith you can more freely experience the fullness of financial prosperity. So this week, we want to share experiences on the connection between faith and living abundantly.

Weslia E. (co-founder of TFC):

During my journey from Collections Manager to Financial Counselor, I began seeking scriptures for a biblical perspective on managing finances. It is my job to help others improve their financial wellness, and I recognized that I couldn’t manage it alone. I began to realize that we were purposed to be good stewards of the resources that God provides. And with this revelation, my family and I began to practice what I was teaching to others! As a unit, we started maximizing our money, embracing healthy financial behaviors, and we became diligent in defining and pursuing financial success.

Even as a financial professional, it was hard work. There is knowledge, there is experience...but then, there are habits. I had to make a conscious decision to break the cycle of bad fiscal habits that plagues families, and even generations. There were many sacrifices, for sure! But those sacrifices pale in comparison to what I have been able to pass to my children, and how I’ve been able to engage my community.

For me, there is no abundant living without Faith. When my finances are in order, it reduces mental, spiritual, physical, and social disruptions. It allows me to pursue my purpose and heed my calling unfettered. Without Faith, and without work, Trinity Financial Coaching would not exist.

Willa W. (co-founder of TFC):

One of the things that has always been true in my life is that I have and, at times, still face challenges like those faced by persons I coach. I never look at these challenges as hardships because they help strengthen my faith in knowing that the situations are solvable. They help me help others. Some would say “you have to practice what you preach”. Well, I guess you do.

These situations help me to relate to those who often cannot see where they can find a way to meet the goals they have set for themselves. A simple goal...like being able to meet monthly expenses or being able to buy food sufficient for your family. Sometimes they cannot see how to do it. Having been in situations where there were more bills due than money available, I have learned that faith in the provisions and promises of God is where I find peace and the strength to know I can do it.

The Living Bible tells me that faith is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. That it is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead. The inability of being able to see something yet still believe it is to have faith. All I have to do is believe and do the work until what I am hoping for is achieved.

Though my eyes may not see it, I know it is before me. I have had to share my faith and passion for knowing that challenges can be overcome with so many that it now comes natural to me. I don’t accept the “I can’t” in my life and encourage all to do the same. I know that this is only possible because God has purposed to give us life in all its fullness. He has given us life to live abundantly and that is our goal.

Client testimonial from S. Donnell

I have hoped for many things in my life. I have hoped for success. I have hoped for the health of my family. I have hoped for a better relationships. I have hoped for peace. I have hoped that attending church would bring me absolution. As you can probably guess by now, hope in itself isn’t enough. Faith saves you, but faith alone is not enough.

Over the past two years, I have put in work to steady my faith. And yes, I mean WORK. It takes continuous effort, for me at least, to remember who’s in control. I have to remind myself that faith without works is dead. Faith is hard, and it doesn’t come easily. Like any other muscle, it must be exercised and nourished to grow.

For me, increasing my faith has secured the things, tangible and intangible, that I spent years hoping for. Most importantly, it has brought me peace. There have been times where, outside looking in, I should have been happy. I had two jobs, I was handling my immediate finances, taking care of family, and even had time to explore some hobbies. But I distinctly remember being...sad. Being empty. And it was the exact same feeling I had when things weren’t as positive.

But my Trinity Financial coach gently guided right on back to...faith. Not religion. Not denomination. She had scriptures at the ready! Scriptures about His Grace and Mercy, scriptures about being diligent in finances, and about nourishing my spirit so my flesh could fall in line. It was never as a lecture, but a reminder that there isn’t an I without Him. That every storm passes, and none are mine alone. I’m so grateful for her faithful guidance.

At the moment I’m writing this, there are blips in my personal life that I didn’t expect. And the truth is...the old version of me would have crumpled by now. But, my faith has kept my head on straight, and it’s increase (my work) has kept me encouraged and progressing. For me, in this season, my faith has allowed me to experience Grace, Mercy, and Love. Faith has allowed me to cast-out the shame, doubt, and fear that poisons life and negates abundance.

For more experiences on the role faith has in living abundantly, check out episode 6 of our radio show: Faith, Purpose, Passion: Celebrating Women entrepreneurs.

And don’t forget to tune in to our re-broadcast on August 12: 7 Types of Financial Self-Sabotage and How to Avoid Them.

Be blessed!